Todd Lando of XMR Fire discusses wildfire policy with Congressman Jared Huffman and Businessman Tom Steyer October 16, 2017 at Coffey Park, Santa Rosa.The western United States has a serious and growing problem with fires in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). More than 12 million homes are located in 7.8 million acres identified as WUI in California alone. The WUI fire issue will become even more serious with the California's population expected to grow from 28 million to 50 million people by 2050. Let XMR Fire's forestry and wildfire experts develop your community or agency wildifre prevention plan today.
While public debate often focuses on increased spending for wildfire suppression - more aircraft, more personnel, and more firefighting equipment - time and experience has proven that wildfire prevention planning is more effective and far less costly than suppression.
Wildfire prevention is less expensive and more effective than ever before. Sophisticated technology such as GIS, sattelite fuels mapping, geospatial fire behavior modeling, and hazard inspection databases let wildfire experts and urban foresters like XMR Fire Consulting analyze the physical nature of a potential fire using detailed data about the fire and fuels environment. A precise plan can be developed that includes environmentally sensitive vegetation thinning techniques to reduce fuel sources while preserving habitat and managing strategies for effectively responding to wildfire emergencies.
Striking the right balance between suppression and prevention offers the best hope for minimizing the wildfire threat. XMR Fire employs dedicated wildfire experts, with decades or wildland firefighting, urban forestry, GIS, and fuels management experience who utilize a variety of advanced spatial applications, custom databases, and forestry field analysis tools to develop wildfire hazard assessments, Community Wildfire Protection Plans, and wildfire prevention plans. With extensive experience in wildfire suppression and urban forestry, XMR Fire has helped numerous fire agencies, fire safe councils, landowners, and businesses develop wildfire prevention and vegetation management plans across the western US.
Our Services
- Residential and Commercial Vegetation Management Plans
- Wildfire GIS analysis
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans
- Firewise Community assessment, appplications, and consultations
- Aerial and drone photography for pre and post fire analysis and mapping
- Forest health analysis, urban forestry
- Defensible Space Planning
- Wildfire Prevention Grant writing
- Wildfire Prevention Grant management
- Fire Safe Council management
Our Services for Fire Safe Council and Fire Agencies
- Public/Guest Speaking
- Public Education and PR Programs
- Program Management
- Grant writing
- Grant Management
- Nonprofit Management
- Vegetation Management Planning and Project Review
Wildfire Prevention Clients and Partners
- Kentfield Fire Protection District
- Central Marin Fire Department
- Ross Valley Fire Department
- Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District
- Southern Marin Fire Protection District
- Bolinas Fire Protection District
- FIRE SAFE San Mateo County
- County of Marin
- Lake Valley Fire Protection District
- Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District
- Urban Forestry Associates, Inc.
- Sonoma Technology, Inc.
- Fountaingrove II Open Space Management Association
- Private landowners