Management Team The People Who Manage XMRFire

Todd Lando
CEO, Lead Developer

Carey Lando
Business Management

Pre and post-fire computer modeling using state-0f-the-art tools like FARSITE, FLAMMAP and Wind-Ninja.
Development and wildfire planning policy to mitigate hazards while protect communities and the environment.
We develop and execute plans for vegetation management, structural hazard mitigation, and community risk reduction.
XMR Fire can assist municipalities, landowners, planning agencies, communities, and individuals better understand their risk and identify hazards with state-of-the-art wildfire modeling and mapping. We develop custom fuel models and utilize custom tools based on industry standard wildfire modeling software like FlamMap, FARSITE, BehavePlus, and Wind Ninja to simulate fire across and environment, potentially identifying assets and locations most likely to burn, and determining potential impacts such as heat output, spotting potential, and previously unknown hazards.
Our modeling can assist in pre and post-fire planning, helping determing best locations for fuel breaks, determining travel time for fires under modeling conditions, and comparing scenarios and mitigation measures.
Municipalities, landowners, planning agencies, and communities must adapt to wildfire by developing and implementing policies to address hazards while identifying and acknowledging risk. Land use policy, development and building standards, and design criteria are all addressed through hands-on hazard evaluation and risk assessment, utilizing modeling, expert knowledge of fire behavior and best practices. and a thorough understanding of the fire environment surrounding your community.
We can guide plan development, including Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs), Hazards and Risk Assessments, and individual property vegetation and fire hazard mitigation plans.
We assist fire agencies in development of wildfire hazard standards and code adoption, municipalities on land use and development practives to minimize risk, and homeowner groups on bylaw and policy adoption to address individual properties and open spaces.